Friday, February 24, 2012

Many Different Types of Weeds and How to Get Rid of Them

According to conventional wisdom, weed is basically anything that's growing in your lawn that you don't want to have there. Reads can be ugly or unsightly, but most of the time they just don't fit in with the rest of the lawn. Sometimes reads can even be other types of grasses that you don't want to have there. Weeds can come into your lawn to a variety of different sources. They can come through the air from your neighbor's lawn, or they can be carried in by birds and occasionally even on the bottom of your shoes. Even though there are many ways to avoid having weeds in your lawn, most people agree that once they're there, you have to know how to get rid of them.

So how would you go about trying to get rid of weeds in your lawn? Well that depends a lot on the type of weed that you are trying to get rid of. Some weeds are easy to get rid of and you can get rid of them simply by pulling them or by using a contact herbicide. Contact herbicides will kill anything they come into contact with. Dandelions are an example of a weed that does not usually die when you pull it or when you apply a contact herbicide. If you have a lot of dandelions in your yard, you are better off using a systematic herbicide that will be absorbed into the plant and destroy it from the inside out. If you are going to try and pull dandelions by hand, make sure that you also get the tap roots. You may have to use a screwdriver or a weed forged in order to take them out.

Whenever you apply weed killers make sure that you water them into your lawn. ( this of course goes for systematic weed killers and not for contact herbicides. When you're not using your weed killers make sure to keep them out of the reach of children and away from places where they could spill and do damage. Weed killer for lawns is basically a type of poison. It is poisonous to weeds, and most of the time it is also semi-poisonous to humans and to grass as well. Don't use more weed killer then you need to to get the job done.

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